Dolphins are diving into reading!
Join us February 7th–23rd for our Read-a-Thon, where we aim to inspire a love of reading while supporting the district and school’s literacy goals. This event also serves as a fundraiser to benefit our students and staff. Dive into the fun and help make a splash for literacy and learning!
Independent Reading
Being Read to By Other People
Reading to someone who is also participating, bonus it counts for both of you!
In-Class Reading Time
Listening to Audiobooks
Homework Reading
Reading aloud to family or friends or to a stuffed animal or pet
to register:
Go to
Click “Sign up” at the top of the page.
Scroll down to “Student Registrations” section and select the number of students you are registering. Then select “Add To Cart” and once you’re ready, from the cart click “Check out now” to begin setting up their personal fundraising page.
On the next screen you’ll enter the information for each student, including their class and fundraising goal. You can personalize the link to their fundraising page. After you’re done with the first student, press “Save” and you’ll be prompted to complete the next student’s information and press “Save” again until you’ve completed all students’ info and pressed “Save.” Then click “Next” at the bottom of the page.
Confirm your information and press “Next”
Review your student’s information and yours, once it looks right, click “Submit” (your total should be “FREE” as there is no cost to participate) and you’re all set. Start sharing your student’s pages to start getting donations to encourage their reading adventures for mid-winter break!
Instructions for Tracking Minutes and Sponsors
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